What this does:
This generate a build of ubuntu for raspberry 2 [B][+] with swap, self-configured user,
password, software (from repo) and configs (e.g. ssh-server for headless using)
You MUST edit rpi2-settings.sh !
You SHOLD edit rpi2-extra_files.sh !
The default-config install a ubuntu 14.04 server with ssh-server, mc, vim, w3m, german-language...
Needed Software:
must-have: qemu-debootstrap (paket: qemu-user-static)
must-have: debootstrap
nice to have: bmap-tools (for faster writing)
(sudo apt-get install debootstrap qemu-debootstrap bmap-tools will executed by rpi2-build-system.sh)
It is a good idea to use a own [apt-]proxy. (e.g.: apt-cacher-ng)
Simple usage:
1.) Edit rpi2-settings.sh and extra_files.sh. SetT WriteTo='mmcblk0'
2.) Put the mmc-card into the slot (If you want to create on. Note: you will LOST ALL data on the card!)
3.) Run sudo ./rpi2-clear.sh
4.) Run sudo ./rpi2-build-system.sh
Extended usage:
1.) Edit rpi2-settings.sh and extra_files.sh. SET WriteTo='none'
2.) Run sudo ./rpi2-clear.sh
3.) Run sudo ./rpi2-build-system.sh
4.) Make your changes into the build-directory
5.) Write the mmc-card with sudo ./rpi2-create-mmcblk0.sh
* rpi2-build-system.sh
Use this 4 generate a build (dir-tree) og ubuntu 4 raspberry 2
and / or a image file or a mmc-card.
If you doubt? Do not edit this file.
* rpi2-clear.sh
This remove the previous build.
If you doubt? Dont edit this file.
* rpi2-create-fdisk-keys_with_swap
Used by rpi2-create-image.sh and rpi2-create-mmcblk0.sh
If you doubt? Dont edit this.
* rpi2-create-fdisk-keys_without_swap
used by rpi2-create-image.sh and rpi2-create-mmcblk0.sh (ToDo)
If you doubt? Dont edit this.
* rpi2-settings.sh
Settings for build. To edit.
* rpi-extra_files.sh
Settings for build. You must edit this file (e.g. network-settings).
* rpi2-create-mmcblk0.sh
write build to mmcblk0
If you doubt? Dont edit this file.
* rpi2-create-image.sh
write build to a image (file)
If you doubt? Dont edit this file.