* @author: Jörg Reinholz, fastix WebDesign & Consult, Kassel - http://www.fastix.org/
* @version: 1.0.9
* @licence: https://code.fastix.org/lizenz.php
class romanNumbers
private $hash;
public $getAsEntitiesDefault = false;
public $getShortDefault = true;
function __construct () {
$this -> roman['h'] = 100000;
$this -> roman['a'] = 50000;
$this -> roman['z'] = 10000;
$this -> roman['f'] = 5000;
$this -> roman['Z'] = 2000; #old
$this -> roman['M'] = 1000;
$this -> roman['A'] = 500; # old
$this -> roman['D'] = 500;
$this -> roman['Q'] = 500; #old
$this -> roman['G'] = 400; #old
$this -> roman['P'] = 400; #old
$this -> roman['B'] = 300; #old
$this -> roman['E'] = 250; #old
$this -> roman['H'] = 200; #old
$this -> roman['T'] = 160; #old
$this -> roman['K'] = 151; #old
$this -> roman['Y'] = 150; #old
$this -> roman['C'] = 100;
$this -> roman['N'] = 90; #old
$this -> roman['R'] = 80; #old
$this -> roman['S'] = 70; #old
$this -> roman['L'] = 50;
$this -> roman['F'] = 40; #old
$this -> roman['O'] = 11; #old
$this -> roman['X'] = 10;
$this -> roman['V'] = 5;
$this -> roman['I'] = 1;
function getDec($str) {
$str = $this -> toEntities($str);
'CCCIↃↃↃ', '(((I)))', 'ↈ', # 100.000
'IↃↃↃ', 'I)))', 'ↇ', # 50.000
'CCIↃↃ', '((I))', 'ↂ', # 10.000
'IↃ', 'I))', 'ↁ', # 5.000
'CIↃ', '(I)', 'ↀ', 'Φ', # 1.000
'X/', # 15
'•M','*M','⊍', ' N ', # Tausender-Trennzeichen
' '
'h','h', 'h', # 100.000
'a','a', 'a', # 50.000
'z','z', 'z', # 10.000
'f','f', 'f', # 5.000
'M','M', 'M', 'M', # 1.000
'XV', # 15
'$', '$', '$', '$', # Tausender-Trennzeichen
$faktor = pow(1000, count($parts) - 1 );
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($parts); $i++ ) {
$z = $this -> getDec($parts[$i]) * $faktor;
$faktor = $faktor / 1000;
$ret += $z;
return $ret;
$strLat = '';
for ( $i=0; $i < strlen($str); $i++ ) {
$c = $str[$i];
if ($c) {
if ( isset( $this -> roman[$c] ) ) {
$strLat .= $c;
} else {
#trigger_error('class romanNumbers, function getDec: Unknown char "'.$c.'" ignored.', E_USER_NOTICE );
$roman = $this -> roman; # Benutze Kopie!
$dec = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++ ) {
$c = $str[$i];
if (! isset($roman[$c])) { echo " $str \n";}
$dec += $roman[$c];
if ( 'V' == $c || 'X' == $c ) $roman['I'] = -1;
elseif ( 'C' == $c || 'L' == $c ) $roman['X'] = -10;
elseif ( 'M' == $c || 'D' == $c ) $roman['C'] = -100;
elseif ( 'z' == $c || 'f' == $c ) $roman['M'] = -1000;
elseif ( 'h' == $c || 'a' == $c ) $roman['z'] = -10000;
return $dec;
function getRoman ($int, $getAsEntities=false, $getLong=false) {
if ( $int != floor($int) ) {
trigger_error('class romanMumbers, function getRoman: Fatal error: Romaniens don\'t know floats!', E_USER_NOTICE);
return false;
if ( $int < 0 ) {
trigger_error('class romanMumbers, function getRoman: Fatal error: Romaniens don\'t know negative Numbers!', E_USER_NOTICE);
return false;
if ( $int < 0 ) {
trigger_error('class romanMumbers, function getRoman: Fatal error: Its true, the Romaniens don\'t know the zero!', E_USER_NOTICE);
return false;
if ( $int > PHP_INT_MAX ) {
trigger_error ( 'class: romanMumbers, function: getString :: Es wurde eine zu große Zahl ('.$int.') übergeben. Maximum ist '. PHP_INT_MAX
$str = '';
while ( $int >= 100000 ) {
$str .= 'ↈ';
$int = $int - 100000;
while ( $int >= 50000 ) {
$str .= 'ↇ';
$int = $int - 50000;
while ( $int >= 10000 ) {
$str .= 'ↂ';
$int = $int - 10000;
while ( $int >= 5000 ) {
$str .= 'ↁ';
$int = $int - 5000;
while ( $int >= 1000 ) {
$str .= 'M';
$int = $int - 1000;
while ( $int >= 500 ) {
$str .= 'D';
$int = $int - 500;
while ( $int >= 100 ) {
$str .= 'C';
$int = $int - 100;
while ( $int >= 50 ) {
$str .= 'L';
$int = $int - 50;
while ( $int >= 10 ) {
$str .= 'X';
$int = $int - 10;
while ( $int >= 5 ) {
$str .= 'V';
$int = $int - 5;
while ( $int >= 1 ) {
$str .= 'I';
$int = $int - 1;
if ( $this->getShortDefault and ! $getLong ) {
'VIIII', # 9
'IIII', # 4
'LXXXX', # 90
'XXXX', # 40
'DCCCC', # 900
'CCCC', # 400
'ↁMMMM', # 9000
'MMMM', # 4000
'ↇↂↂↂↂ', # 90000
'ↂↂↂↂ' # 40000
'IX', #9
'IV', #4
'XC', #90
'XL', #40
'CM', #900
'CD', #400
'Mↂ', #9000
'Mↁ', #4000
'ↂↈ', #90000
'ↂↇ' #40000
if ( $getAsEntities or $this -> getAsEntitiesDefault ) {
$str = $this -> toEntities($str);
return $str;
private function toEntities($str) {
if ( function_exists( 'recode_string' ) ) return recode_string
("utf-8..html", $str);