header( 'content-type: text/plain' );
# General config:
$scriptFile = 'executeAlone.php';
$storageDir = __DIR__ . '/executeStorage';
$stripFirstPhpOpenLine = true; # delete the first Line in $scriptFile('<?php ...'). (shold bee true)
# It is saver to use this, if executeAlone.php ($scriptFile) is callable via httpd.
# Config: a row of system-vars
$executeExportVars['_ENV'] = true;
$executeExportVars['_SERVER'] = true;
$executeExportVars['_GET'] = true;
$executeExportVars['_POST'] = true;
$executeExportVars['_COOKIE'] = true;
$executeExportVars['_SESSION'] = true;
# Config: examples for other vars:
$executeExportVars['foo'] = true; $foo='FOO';
$executeExportVars['bar'] = true; $bar='BAR';
$_POST['mailto'] = 'fastix';
# The skript-interpreter (php or hhvm with path)
$phpBinary = '/usr/bin/php';
#$phpBinary = '/etc/alternatives/php';
#$phpBinary = '/usr/bin/hhvm'; # alternativ for the "hip hop virtual machine"
# Program:
if ( PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE != session_status() ) {
$_SESSION['test'] = 'Test';
$script = "<?php\n";
foreach ( $executeExportVars as $key => $value ) {
if ( isset( $$key ) && $value ) {
$var = $$key;
echo "$$key wird exportiert: PHP: var_export( $$key, true )\n";
$script .= '$' . "$key = " . var_export( $var, true ) . ";\n\n";
if ( $stripFirstPhpOpenLine ) {
$flag = ( ! $stripFirstPhpOpenLine );
$rows = file( $scriptFile );
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
if ( ! $flag ) {
$flag = true;
} else {
$script .= $row;
} else {
$scriptName = tempnam( $storageDir, 'php_' );
$errorFile = tempnam( $storageDir, 'error_' );
$command = "echo 'export MAIL=\"\" && $phpBinary $scriptName;' | batch 2> $errorFile; echo $?";
$return = 0;
$return = `$command`;
if ( 0 == $return ) {
echo "Der Job '$phpBinary $scriptName' wurde erfolgreich in die Queue gestellt und wird ausgeführt sobald die Prozessorlast unter 80% liegt. (Meistens: sofort)\n";
} else {